Author: Amanda Wiggs

Hand with wristwatch

Top Benefits of a Daily Routine for Seniors

At Whole Life Home Care, we understand the importance of a regular daily routine for seniors. As individuals age, the fear of the unknown can become overwhelming. Losing control over physical abilities, independence, or cognitive

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Elderly woman with head on pillow

Get Better Sleep For Longevity and Health

For health and longevity, it is important to get adequate, restful sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, older adults should get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Along with short-term effects like

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Welcome Back, Sarah!

We would like to welcome back Sarah DeBerry to the Whole Life Home Care Family. Sarah is returning to us in a new role as our Client Ambassador. A major part of her job is

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Purple brain

Brain Exercise: What Type Is Best?

A growing body of research shows that exercise is just as beneficial for the brain as it is for the body. One type of exercise stands out above all others: aerobic exercise. People might be

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